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The Charles C. Dame


Sch. Charles C. Dame of this port, went ashore during the gale of August 1873, at North Cape, P. E. Island, and all hands perished.  Her crew consisted of eighteen persons, as follows:

William V. Beverage, master, belonging in Maine, leaves a widow and one child
Walter Hubbard, leaves widow and one child
Lewis Thompson, minor, of Gloucester
Charles D. Perkins, minor, of Gloucester
George Hinkley, minor, of Gloucester
James Yoe
Charles Brown
Charles E. Payne
John McDonald
George W. Flowers
Stephen Morrison
Daniel G. McEachern
J. S. Emmons
Lemuel Emmons
R. A. Douglas
John Edgerly
Oakley Dodge

Henry Stebbins

The Charles C. Dame was a first class vessel on 89.41 tons, built at Essex in 1866, and owned by Mr. Daniel Sayward.  She was valued at $7000 and insured for $6,225 in the Gloucester Mutual Fishing Insurance Office. 


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