Sch. A. M. Burnham
63.24 tons gross and 40.11 tons net, built in Essex in 1885, and owned by David B. Smith
& Co., and engaged in the Georges fishery, sailed from port January 21, 1899 and was
probably lost in the gale of February 14. She was last seen on Brown's Bank by sch. H.
M. Perkins just before the storm commenced. Valued at $4000 and insured by
the Gloucester Mutual Fishing Insurance Company for $2293 on the vessel and $1000 on the
She carried a crew of 12 men, including the master, as follows:
Charles S. Peterson, master,
50, left widow and three children
Lars Lawson, cook, 60, single, native of Sweden
John Hawson, 30, left widow and one child, native of Sweden
Joseph Shemelia, 63, native of Pennsylvania, left widow and stepchildren
William B. Johnson, 53, single, native of Norway
Harry Thompson, 55, single, native of Norway
Patrick Findley, 38, single, native of Prince Edward Island
Magnus Christiansen, 30, single, native of Iceland
Michael Costello, 45, single, belonged in Boston
Alexander McDonald, 57, native of Low Point, C. B.
Alfred Carlson, 40, single, native of Sweden
William Brewer, 30, single, native of Maine