Sch. Peter D. Smith sailed
for Georges on November 18, 1887 and never returned to port. She was 66.02 tons,
built at Essex in 1868, owned by Messrs. Oakes & Foster, and insured by the Gloucester
Mutual Fishing Insurance Company for $2416 on vessel and outfits.
She had a crew of twelve men as follows:
William Buie, master, a
native of British Guyana, left widow and two children
Daniel Morris, cook, native of Cape Breton, widow and three children
Murdick McNeil, two children in Margaree, Cape Breton, where he belonged
John A. DeAvilla, a native of Fayal
Archie McAully, a native of Cape Breton
Hugh Scott, native of St. Peter's, Cape Breton
Newton Meigs, belonging in Grand Manan
Benj. Hanson, native of Sweden
Benge Nilsson, native of Sweden
Joseph Bowdich, residing at Lanesville
Harry Young, belonging in Newburyport
Samuel Pierce, married