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The William D. Daisley


Thursday, January 15, 1891

Sch. William D. Daisley Given Up by Her Owners.
Sailed for Newfoundland and Never Heard From

The sch. William D. Daisley, built at Boston in 1871, which sailed from this port Nov. 24 for Fortune Bay, N.F., on a salt herring trip, and has not since been heard from, and for whose safety much anxiety has long been felt, has been given up as lost by her owners, Mssrs. T. A. Langsford & Son.

No tidings had been heard of the vessel since she sailed, and the only trace of her is a mass of wreckage and barrels which floated ashore on the Newfoundland coast evidently from an American fisherman. It is supposed she foundered in one of the severe December gales on the coast.

The vessel was under a contract to deliver her cargo of herring at this port not later than Jan. 15, and the owners have refused to abandon all hope of her return until today.

Capt. McDonald made an agreement with Capt. Peter McAuley of sch. A. E. Whyland to sail for the same Newfoundland port, and meet there, both vessels sailing from here about the same time.

The Daisley was commanded by Capt. Pius McDonald, a well-known experienced master-mariner, and had a crew of six men, as follows:

Capt. Pius McDonald, master, 50 years of age, a native of Rockbarre, P.E.I.
Albert Deward, cook, 50 years of age, a native of Holland, leaves widow and five children
Stephen McDonald, 49 years old, belongs at Judique, Cape Breton
Patrick Walsh, 26 years of age, belongs in Newfoundland
Alfred Morton, 17 years of age, belongs in Yarmouth, N.S.
John McIsaac, 18 years of age, nephew of the master
John McPhee, 42 years old, of Nova Scotia

All the men, with the exception of Deward, are unmarried as far as known.

The brother of the captain , Capt. John McDonald, was lost last year on the passage to Iceland with all his crew in sch. William W. Rice.

The William D. Daisley was a first-class vessel of 93.19 tons, and was insured with outfits by the Gloucester Mutual Fishing Insurance Company for $4424.


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