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The Columbia


September 13, 1927 is the first mention of the Columbia,

"A dispatch from Halifax, N.S., received here this morning says: "Five battered dories and a pair of oars marked "Columbia", were reported today washed up on Sable Island, the "Graveyard of the Atlantic". They were lost from the craft during the storm of August 24, it is believed."

September 15, 1927

"Captain Ben Pine told the Times this morning, that he is not inclined to believe that the dory found on Sable Island marked Columbia, was on of the dories carried by the local vessel, which is on a handline trip at present. Capt. Pine said that the day before the storm of August 24, sch. Herbert Parker spoke the Columbia fishing on the western edge of Western Bank and that she could not have possibly got in a position off of Sable Island before the storm hit. About 60 of the Columbia's old dories have been sold to different fishermen, and it is thought that perhaps it might have been one of these that was found. The Columbia is not expected to reach here before the first of next month, according to Capt. Pine, and as the vessel was equipped with brand new canvas before she left here in July it is believed that she could make port if the occasion should demand it, without any difficulty."

October 1, 1927

Cutter Tampa is Ordered to Sable Island to Search for Racer -
No Definite word from Craft Since Big Storm -
Left here July 3 on Salt Trip -
Manned by Capt. Lewis Wharton and Nova Scotian Crew

The headline of October 5, 1927 reads

Find Oars and Dory of Columbia on Island -
No direct trace of Wreckage to indicate fate of local fishing craft encountered by Tampa.

October 7, 1927

Hope Fades as No Word Comes From Columbia -
Cutter Jackson Returns to Halifax After 15 Days Cruise for Gloucester Fisherman - Tampa Will Continue Search

October 8, 1927

Found No Trace of Missing Sch. Columbia Except Oars and Part of Dory Believed Part of Craft's Equipment.

October 27, 1927

Pick Up Second Dory of Missing Sch. Columbia

Another dory of the long over-due schooner Columbia, was brought into the Boston Fish Pier yesterday afternoon by the local haddocker, Mary Sears. The dory, bore the name Columbia, and contained a bait knife with the initial "M" carved on its handle, and some buoy line. The dory, nearly submerged, but right side up, was found Monday morning about 60 miles southeast of Liverpool, N.S. and taken aboard the Sears. The dory plug was not in its proper place, but was tied tightly to the oar rail. The bottom of the dory was covered with barnacles and marine growth, while swarms of rudder fish slung to the planking. The Columbia , which it is feared foundered or was in collision in the gale of August 24 last, in the vicinity of Sable Island, has not been officially given up by her owners.

And finally on October 29, 1927

Lost With All Hands in Gale of August 24 Off Sable Island

"Lost with all hands in the storm of August 23, 1927." That terse statement made by Ben Pine in the office of the Atlantic Maritime Company late yesterday afternoon officially records another great disaster to the appalling list of tragedies that have befallen men and ships of the fishing fleet.


The Columbia's Crew

Lewis Wharton, master, 57, married, Liverpool, N.S.
Rupert Bragg, cook, 46, married, 92 Dakota street, Dorchester
Arthur Firth, married 60, Shelburne, N.S.
James MacAloney, single, 24, Parrsboro, N.S.
Isaac Gould, married, 60, 31 1/2 Rogers Street, Gloucester
Colin Hawley, married, 30, Blackburn place, Gloucester
William Colp, Bucksport, Maine
Leo White, Bucksport, Maine
James McLeod, 63, Liverpool, N.S.
Foster McKay, single, 20, West Green Harbor, N.S.
Clayton Johnson, 26, West Green Harbor, N.S.
Joseph Mayo, 54, Halifax, N.S.
Thomas Hayden, 39, Shelburne, N.S.
Carroll Williams, married, West Green Harbor, N.S.
Enos Belong, 54, married, West Green Harbor, N.S.
George Williams, 56, Liverpool, N.S.
Frank Dedrick, 52, Shelburne, N.S.
Allison Firth, cachee, 17, Shelburne, N.S.
Samuel Belong, single, Green Harbor, N.S.
Robert Steward, married, Liverpool, N.S.
George H. Mayo, 28, Halifax N.S.
Charles L. Huskin, single, 39, Green Harbor, N.S.


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