Out of Gloucester


The first memorial service for the fishermen lost at sea was held at City hall, Sunday afternoon, December 23, 1873.  The year had been an exceptionally hard one for the fishermen of the Atlantic, 174 of their number having answered the final call in pursuance of their labors on the ocean.

The services are an annual event, now held on a Sunday in August, when the tide is right.  The ceremony opens with a reading of the roll of the dead - those fishermen who lost their lives at sea since the previous ceremony, and after each name a bouquet of flowers is case upon the out-going tide.  After the reading of the individual names, the participants stand along the waterway and cast bouquets of flowers onto the tide, which carries them into the deep waters, as a last memorial to the fishermen dead.

These men are not yet listed on the main lists.  As soon as the stories behind the losses are found, they will be moved to the main list.

August 20, 1925 - Henry Colt

August 1927 - Daniel McQuarrie

August 13, 1934 - William Muise

August 3, 1936 - Louis Perry

Augsut 20, 1938 - Albanie Muise

The following names are listed in the book "White-Tipped Orange Masts, Gloucester's Fishing Draggers,
A Time of Change 1970 - 1972
", by Peter K. Prybot, © 1998, The Curious Traveller Press, Gloucester, Massachusetts.( ISBN 1-892839-01-6 )  At the end of the book there is a section titled "In Memoriam, Gloucester Fishermen and Vessels Lost at Sea, 1940 - 1995".  These are the names that I have not yet researched :

1942 - Patrick J. O'Brien

1948 - Robert E. Cavanaugh

1949 - Edward W. Decker

1951 - (The microfilm for the first 3/4 of 1951 are missing from the library files.  If you have any information on thiese men it would be greatly appreciated.)

  1. W. Frank Cavanaugh
  2. Arthur Davis
  3. William H. Travis

1953 - John R. Powers

February 20,  1958 - Salvatore Carollo (The microfilm for February 1958 was missing from the library files.  If you have information on this loss it would be greatly appreciated.)

1970 - Jose Pinho Vinagre

1971 - Robert Saunders

1979 - Douglas Barry


  Out of GloucesterOut of Gloucester

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