Sch. Iolanthe,
74.47 tons gross, 49.52 tons net, built in Essex in 1883, and owned by Loring B. Haskell,
sailed on a trawling trip for sale codfish, September 16, 1901, and is supposed to have
been lost in the November gales on Sable Island, a vessel answering to her description
having been seen off there previous to a gale. She carried a crew of fourteen men, as
Julius Olson, master, 34,
native of Arundel, Norway
Charles A. Weeks, cook, 27, native of Manchester, England, leaves a widow
and one child
Thomas Keddie, 32, native of Liverpool, N. S., leaves widow
Louis Pommett, 20, single, native of St. Pierre, Miquelon
Joseph Couillard, 21, single, native of St. Pierre, Miquelon
William Stiles, 37, native of Liverpool, England, single
Leo Lemiere, 20, native of France, single
Harry Smith, 35, single
John Peterson, 32, single, native of Norway
Harry Elefson, 28, single, native of Norway
Otto Kanos, 20, native of Germany, single
James Cox, 45, native of Newfoundland, single
Matthew Powers, 30, native of Conception Bay, N. F.
Jacob Philander, 35, native of Finland, single
one man , name unknown
George Frazier, one of the
crew who sailed on the vessel from this port, was taken sick on the passage down, and was
landed at Shelburne, N. S., and another man shipped in his place, name unknown.
The vessel and outfits were valued at $5500 and insured for $2134 on the vessel and $1600
on the outfits by the Gloucester Mutual Fishing Insurance Company.
[Matthew Powers was the
second of three Powers brothers to be lost at sea; first was Patrick in 1893, and the third was Thomas, lost with the Fame in 1908.] |