1st - David Perry, 43, native
of Cape Negro, N. S., where he leaves a widow, knocked overboard from sch. Indione
off LeHave bank.
10th - Sch.
Percy, foundered in a snow storm while engaged in shore haddocking. The boat
was manned by Capt. Thomas Thompson, formerly of Gloucester, and his son,
William Thompson. the former was 52 years old, a native of Grimsby,
England, and left a widow and seven children. The son was 19 years old and single.
22nd - John Landry, one of
the crew of sch. Vigilant , 20, native of Arichat, C. B., washed
overboard about 90 miles off Eastern Point.
24th - William McCreigh, 34,
single, native of Saimonear, N. F., washed from the boom of sch. Niagra off
Capt. Sable.
28th - Daniel McCuspie, 40,
single, native of Cape Breton, one of the crew of sch. Margaret Mather,
died at the Addison Gilbert Hospital in Gloucester.
12th - Arthur Flander, 28,
single, native of St. Jacques, N. F., one of the crew of sch. Pinta,
died in the hospital at Halifax, N. S.
13th - Oliver Lahey, 36,
native of Fortune Bay, N. F., single, jumped overboard, while insane, from sch. Atlanta,
off Sable Island, while on the passage to Newfoundland.
17th - Allan Cameron, 33,
native of Cape island, N. S., one of the sch. Edna Perry of
Boston, drowned off Plymouth, by the capsizing of his dory. Left a widow and three
9th - Patrick Conolly, 28,
single, native of Boston, fell from the main boom of sch. Belle J. Neal
while haddocking off LaHave Bank.
19th - Clifford Cobb, 25, a
dory fisherman, was drowned off Wood End while visiting his trawls by capsizing of his
23rd - Sch. Eliza
B. Campbell went ashore on Duck Island, near Portsmouth, N. H., while
returning from a fresh halibut trip to Quero Bank.
26th - John Surette, 35,
native of Straw Island, N. S., was thrown overboard form sch. James R. Clark
while the vessel was jibbing on LaHave Bank. Left a widow and two children.
6th - George A. Bowman, 48,
left widow and three children lining at East Boston, one of the crew of sch. Columbia
fell form his dory, on Cashes.
11th - Ezekiel Saulnier, 39,
native of Chester, N. S., washed overboard from sch. Jennie B. Hodgdon, on
Cashes on his birthday. Left a widow and two children.
17th - Fred. Johnson, 28,
single, native of Sweden, jumped overboard from his dory, on Green bank, when returning
from visiting his trawls, fearing that the dory would be run down by the schooner. A dory
was immediately sent to his assistance, but he sank before being rescued. His dory-mate, Herbert
Crowell, also jumped overboard, but was rescued.
17th - George McKay and Leslie
McKay, father and son, lost from sch. Josie M. Calderwood
off Sable Island. Leslie, the son, was washed overboard from the jib-boom, while taking in
the jib, and his father sprang overboard to rescue him. He was a strong swimmer, and
although encumbered with the weight of his heavy oil clothing, reached the boy, who could
not swim, and clasped him in his arms. A dory was at once launched form the vessel, but
the men sunk before the dory reached them. George McKay was 50, and left a widow and
family at Halifax, N. S., and the son was 17 years of age the day he was drowned.
22nd - Matthew Yearns, 25,
single, native of Newfoundland, one of the crew of sch. Mattie Winship,
died of pneumonia in the hospital at Yarmouth, N. S. , where he had been landed from the
vessel. Sch. Polar Wave wrecked on Black island while on a
mackerel seining trip.
30th - Andrew Grimes, 55,
native of this city, died on board sch. Illinois on the passage
home from Sable Island bank. Left widow and four children.
15th - Patrick Tobin, 35,
single, native of St. Mary's Bay, N. F., one of the crew of sch. Golden Rod
drowned in Gulf of St. Lawrence, by the capsizing of his dory. His dorymate, Clifford
Graham, was rescued being nearly exhausted when taken from the bottom of the
20th - John McLellan, 35,
single, and Whitman Parks, 21, single, both natives of Canso, N. S., two
of the crew of sch. Norma , strayed from the vessel on Grand
Bank, and were never heard from. It is supposed that they were drowned by a capsizing of
their dory.
27th - Harry Humpries, 40, a
native of Dennis, one of the crew of sch. Edward A. Perkins,
dropped dead in his dory, off No Man's Land. Left a family in Dennis.
28th - Sch. Lizzie
M. Center went ashore on Martha's Vineyard while returning from a mackerel
trip with 500 barrels of mackerel; crew saved.
30th - Sch. Winona
run down and sunk by the steamer Rippingham off Cape Broyle, N.
F., while on a salt codfishing trip. Three crew were rescued by the boats from the steamer
except one, Henry Bushie, who was berthed at the time of the accident and
was drowned. He was 39 years old, a native of Arichat, C. B.
5th - James A. St. John, 28,
single, native of Newfoundland, one of the crew of sch. S. P. Willard,
was capsized in his dory in Burgeo Harbor, N. F. , while returning from a visit to another
7th - Sch. Lucille
was run down and sunk by steamer Menominee, near
South Shore Lightship, while engaged in mackerel seining. All but four of the crew escaped
in the seine-boat, and the latter were picked up by the steamer's boats.
2nd - Barge Tillid
fell off the railways at Port Hawkesbury, C. B., while being repaired and
was damaged beyond repair. The barge had been at Newfoundland for a cargo of herring to be
artificially frozen on board, and had been towed to Port Hawkesbury for repairs. The
freezing apparatus on board was valued at $10,000 and was uninsured, but was mostly saved.
3rd - August Sylvia, 45 years
old, native of the Western islands, one of the crew of sloop Klondike,
jumped form his dory, off Cape Cod, to escape the thrust of a swordfish. Left widow and
four children in this city.
25th - Henry Harmon, 35,
single, native of Sweden, died on board sch. Nannie C. Bohlin,
on Grand Banks, and was buried at Louisburg, C. B.
12th - William Muise, 25,
single, native of Tusket Hill, N. S., one of the crew of sch. Thalia,
died of small pox in Halifax.
10th - J. Frederick Thomson,
46, native of Norway, one of the crew of sch. Ralph F. Hodgdon,
died on board the vessel off Cape Cod. Left a widow in this city.
13th - John Thomas,
28,single, native of Rose Blane, N. F., one of the crew of sch. Thalia,
died at Halifax, from small pox. Edward Williams, 27, single, native of
Lockeport, N. S., drowned form sch. Mary A. Gleason, off
Chatham, by the capsizing of a dory while hauling trawls. His companion was rescued by
another dory.
15th - Sch. Epes
Tarr went ashore at Mud Island, near Yarmouth, N. S., while on a cod
handlining trip; crew saved.
16th - Anthony Doucette, 21,
single, native of Tusket, N. S., one of the crew of sch. Ella M. Goodwin,
died at Halifax, form small pox.
17th - Sch. Joseph
Rowe went ashore at Tree Top Island, near White Head, N. S. in a heavy gale,
while on a Grand Bank codfishing trip; crew saved. John Abrams, 27,
native of Italy, one of the crew of sch. Klondike of Boston,
drowned by the sloop being run down by the sch. Mattakeesett of
Boston off Nahant. He left a family in Italy.
25th - Auxiliary sch. Helen
Miller Gould burned at North Sidney, C. B., while on a mackerel seining
trip, the fire catching from a leak in the gasolene apparatus. The vessel was totally
destroyed, and the crew lost most of their belongings, the danger of an explosion of the
gasolene tanks preventing any attempt to save the vessel.
Sch. Iolanthe
presumed lost in a November gale.
7th - Joseph Clark, 38,
single, native of Newfoundland, one of the crew of sch. Arthur Binney
of Boston, fell from aloft on board the vessel on Georges, and was instantly killed. Left
a brother and sister in this city.
9th - William Hapley, 25,
single, native of Germany, lost overboard from sch. Emma and Helen
while on the passage to Quero Bank. Left mother and sister in Germany.
10th - Frank Pierce, 37,
single, was found drowned in the dock at Plymouth.
20th - William Melden, 37, a
dory fisherman, was drowned by the capsizing of his dory off shore. He attempted to swim
to the shore and became exhausted. His companion. Tony Dennis, clung to
the overturned dory and was rescued.
26th - Sch. Eliza H. Parkhurst presumed lost in gale.
4th - Thomas Hickey, 22,
single, native of Holyrood, N. F., one of the crew of sch. Anglo Saxon,
drowned of Quero Bank by the capsizing of his dory. David Jameson, his
dorymate, was rescued.
8th - Sloop Shawmut
went ashore at Pigeon Cove while of the passage form Bay View to Boston with a cargo of
stone, and proved a total loss. Crew saved.
15th - Benjamin H. Muise, 24,
native of Tusket, N. S., single, one of the crew of sch. Volant,
drowned by the capsizing of his dory off Shelburne, N. S. His dorymate, John
Hopkins, was saved.
30th - Sch.
Oliver Wendell Holmes went ashore on Seal Island, N. S. while on the passage
to Newfoundland for a salt herring trip, and was a total loss, crew saved.