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Sea Serpent II


May 27, 1925

Crew of Beam Trawler Encounter Sea Serpent

Annually, form the watering places of the south, come tales of sea-serpents, long, eel-like forms that wiggle themselves along the coast, frightening sea-bathers and bringing out the curious.

Sunday the beam trawler Foam, while working her way to Boston from the fishing grounds and when about 38 miles southeast by south from Boston light, a monster, approximately 135 feet long, wallowing around just a few yards away, appeared.

Capt. Doyle in describing the sea-serpent, or whatever it was, said the it was longer than the beam trawler, had a head like an eel, and he feared to tackle it so large and hideous looking was it.

For 20 minutes or more the monster sported itself on the water, seeming to take great delight when the waves washed it lazily over and over, and then it raised the head in air, showed a pair of eyes which struck terror to the crew, and with a flop, dove beneath the water and failed to come up again.

Capt. Doyle said he had never seen the like of it before, and was glad when it went out of sight, although for some time after, he expected it to come to the surface again alongside of the craft.


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