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A Close Call


Saturday, June 21, 1928

Fisherman Had Close Call With Swordfish

The crew of the schooner Dagny of Nantucket, Capt. Olaf Anderson, which put in at New Bedford yesterday from a swordfishing trip had a thrilling story to tell of the narrow escape from death experienced by John Anderton, one of their members, who was carried under by a swordfish after the line fast to the fish had caught around Anderton's legs.

Anderton was in the dory pulling in on the line.   The fish had played with the keg for some time and Anderton, thinking it had been drowned out, as the line came so easily, was just about to take the dead fish into the dory to row to the schooner when it suddenly came to life.

The suddenness of the fish's action so surprised the man that he made a misstep, the line snapped around one of his legs and when  the swordfish made a dive for the bottom he took Anderton out of the boat.  Anderton, as he was being dragged from the dory, made a clutch at the craft and by great good luck managed to get firm grip on the gunwhale.  His hold was firm, but to the horror of the watching crew on the Dagny, the swordfish took both Anderton ad the dory beneath the surface of the water.

In the meanwhile members of the crew made preparations to go to his assistance.  It proved to be a small fish that he was fighting, however, and in a short time the crew was relieved to see the dory bob to the surface.  The swordfish had spent its greatest efforts and did not have the strength to go down again.  Anderton was taken into a rescuing dory, half dead, but was soon revived.


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