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The J. F. Huntress


January 19, 1877

Sch. J. F. Huntress sailed from this port Nov. 11th. On the 30th she was in Shelburne, N. s. from which port she sailed the same day. She was spoken a day or tow previous to the gale of the 16th, and no tidings of her have since been heard.
She had a crew of ten men, viz.:

Richard Rose, master, leaves a widow and five children in Southport, Me
George L. Hendrickson, of Gloucester, leaves a widow
Frank M. Anderson, of Gloucester, leaves a widow
John M. Johnson,
of Gloucester, leaves a widow
Charles J. Anderson,
of Gloucester, leaves a widow
Andrew Anderson,
of Gloucester, leaves a widow and four children
Harry Beck
Peter J. Olsen
Thomas Thompson
John Beck,
all single men, who have followed fishing from this port several years

The Huntress was owned by Mr. Samuel Haskell, was 63,73 tons, and valued at $5900, on which there was an insurance of $5161 and $400 on her outfits in the Gloucester Mutual Fishing Ins. Office.


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