A list of men fishing out of Gloucester,
Massachusetts, USA who have been lost or died at sea.
All of the names and the spellings of the names are as listed in the accounts and in the
death records of the time.
(Newspapers include the Gloucester
Telegraph, the Cape Ann Advertiser, and the Gloucester
Daily Times.
Also records from The Fishermen's Memorial & Record Book, 1873
and The Fisherman's Own Book, 1882.)
1830 -
August - The
Olive - entire crew of seven men lost
1832 - 1836 - Four vessels lost, four men, unknown, lost
1837 -
August - The
Fair America - entire crew of seven men lost
August - The Benjamin Franklin - entire crew of
seven men lost
August - The Vesta - entire crew of seven men lost
1838 - Four vessels, four men lost
1839 - Two vessels, four men lost
1840 - Two vessels, six men lost
1841 - Two vessels, eight men lost
1842 - Three vessels lost
1843 - Three vessels, ten lives lost
August - The
Byron - entire crew of ten men lost
1844 - Three vessels, seven lives lost
September -
The Confidence - entire crew of seven men lost
1845 - Four vessels, seven men lost
March - The
Paris - entire crew of seven men lost
1846 - Three vessels, fifteen lives lost
November - The
General Scott - entire crew of seven men lost
November - The Canton - entire crew of seven men lost
1847 - Three vessels, but no lives lost
1849 - Two vessels, ten lives lost
October - The
Levi Woodbury - entire crew of ten men lost
1850 - Four vessels, thirty-nine lives
February - The
William Wallace - entire crew of eight men lost
March - The Tuscany - entire crew of eight men lost
April - The Walter Scott - entire crew of eight men
April - The Specie - entire crew of seven men lost
1851 - Nine vessels and thirty-two lives lost
October - The
Flirt - entire crew of fourteen men lost
October - The Princeton - entire crew of ten men lost
November - The Ocean Queen - entire crew of eight men
1852 - Thirteen vessels and thirty-two lives lost
March - The
Golden Fleece - entire crew of nine men lost
March - The C. E. Parkhurst - entire crew of eight men
April - The Benjamin Parsons - entire crew of seven
men lost
April - The Napoleon - entire crew of eight men lost
November - The Henry A. Holbrook - entire crew of
eight men lost
1853 - Three vessels lost
1854 - Four vessels, twenty six lives lost
February - The Flight
- entire crew of twelve men lost
February - The Gold Hunter - entire crew
of five men lost
March - The Lucy Pulcifer - entire crew of nine
men lost
1855 - Seven vessels, twenty one lives lost
March - The Reporter
- entire crew of eight men lost
March - The Abner L. Colby - entire crew of
eight men lost
March - The Bessie Neal - entire crew of five men lost
1856 - Two lives lost this year
1857 - Five vessels and nine men were lost this year
February - The Oolong -
entire crew of nine men lost
1858 - Seven vessels, forty two lives lost
February - The
Alexandria - entire crew of six men lost
December - The John Franklin - entire crew of six men
lost, with passengers a total of fourteen lost
December - The Queen of Clippers - entire crew of six
men lost
1859 - Six vessels, thirty six lives lost
March - The Young America
- entire crew of eight men lost
April - The Grace T. Powers - entire crew of eight men
April - The Charles E. Grover - entire crew of nine
men lost
1860 - Five vessels, forty eight lives lost
February - The George Washington - entire crew of nine men
February - The Advance entire crew of eight men lost
February - The William S. Wonson - entire crew
of nine men lost
February - The Relief -
entire crew of nine men lost
April - The Plesant Bay - entire crew of eight men
September - The Neptune's Bride - eleven men lost
1861 - Fifteen Vessels, forty four lives lost
February - The
Sweepstakes - entire crew of eight men lost
February - The Susan Young - entire crew of nine men
February - The H. M. Stanwood - entire crew of eight
men lost
February - The White Swallow - entire crew of nine
men lost
July - The Rollo - entire crew of eight men lost
1862 - "The fishing business has been pursued the past
winter at a fearful sacrifice of life and property, the magnitude of which is truly
appalling! Fifteen vessels have been lost with their entire crews...The number of lives
lost this winter is one hundred and thirty eight, causing seventy widows, and one hundred
and forty-seven orphans."
January - The Cynisca -
entire crew of ten men lost
January - The Life Boat - entire crew of nine men
January - The Ocean Traveller - entire crew of ten
men lost
January - The Oregon - entire crew of eight men lost
February - The Enterprise - entire crew of nine men
February - The George F. Wonson - entire crew of nine
men lost
February - The May Queen - entire crew of nine men
February - The Ocean Flower - entire crew of nine men
February - The Oconomowoc - entire crew of ten men
February - The North Star - entire crew of nine men
February - The Contest - entire crew of nine men lost
February - The Nebraska - entire crew of nine men
February - The Clara Eva - entire crew of nine men
February - The Annie Laurie - entire crew of nine men
February - The Dreadnaught - entire crew of nine men
February - The John H. Crittenden - entire crew of ten
men lost
February - The Anglo Saxon - entire crew of ten men lost
1863 - Nine vessels lost, six lives, plus the names of six vessels
burned by the pirate vessel Tacony.
1864 - Disasters to our Fishing Fleet!
February - The Raven -
entire crew of nine men lost
February - The Gorham Babson - entire crew of nine men
March - The J. G. Dennis - entire crew of ten men
March - The Light of Home - entire crew of nine men
March - The Oliver Burnham - entire crew of nine men
March - The Nawadaha - entire crew of nine men lost
March - The Emma Frances - entire crew of nine men lost
March - The R. E. Spofford - entire crew of ten men lost
1865 - Eleven lives lost, eight vessels
1866 - Twenty six lives, fifteen vessels lost
February - The Carrie E.
Crouse - entire crew of six men lost
October - The Clara Davis - entire crew of eight men
1867 - Sixty three lives, eleven vessels
January - The John W. Lowe
- entire crew of nine men lost
August - The Frank Herbert - entire crew of eight men
August - The Sunny Side - entire crew of nine men lost
August - The Jennie Tyler - entire crew of eight men
September - The Fashion - entire crew of thirteen men
1868 - Thirty nine men, four vessels lost
January - The Idaho -
entire crew of eight men lost
June - The General Butler - entire crew of ten men
December - The James S. Ayer - entire crew of twelve
men lost
1869 - Sixty six lives, sixteen vessels
January - The Forest Belle
- entire crew of twelve men lost
March - The Augustus E. Price - entire crew of eleven
men lost
March - The Martha A. Porter - entire crew of
nine men lost
March - The Abigail C. Woodbury - entire crew of
eleven men lost
1870 - Ninety seven lives, thirteen vessels
January - The Viking -
entire crew of eleven men lost
January - The Weather Gage - entire crew of ten men lost
February - The George R. Bradford - entire crew of
six men lost
March - The William F. Pool - entire crew of ten men
September - The Dauntless - entire crew of twelve men
September - The Day Star - entire crew of twelve men
October - The Alatamaha - entire crew of ten men lost
1871 - Twenty vessels, one hundred forty lives lost,
forty eight widows, ninety eight fatherless children.
January - The Edith Wonson
- entire crew of thirteen men lost
February - The E. L. Cook - entire crew of eleven men
February - The Hiawatha - entire crew of ten
men lost
April - The A. F. Lindberg - entire crew of eleven
men lost
April - The Seaman's Pride - entire crew of ten men
April - The William Murray - entire crew of eleven men
April - The B. K. Hough - entire crew of ten men lost
September - The Montrose - entire crew of eight men
September - The Emporia - entire crew of nine men lost
October - The Fitz E. Riggs - entire crew of nine men
1872 - Twelve vessels, sixty-three lives lost this season
January - The Messenger
- entire crew of twelve men lost
March - The Franklin Snow - entire crew of twelve men
March - The Matchless - entire crew of ten men lost
April - The White Eagle - entire crew of twelve men
1873 - Destructive Gale in the Bay
of St. Lawrence. Additional Loss of Life.
January - The William J.
Dale - entire crew of nine men lost
February - The Thorwaldsen - entire crew of seven
men lost
March - The J. H. Orne - entire crew of eleven men lost
August - The Angie S. Friend - entire crew of
thirteen men lost
August - The Charles C. Dame - entire crew of eighteen
men lost
August - The James G. Tarr - entire crew of eighteen
men lost
August - The Royal Arch - entire crew of fourteen men
lost, plus five passengers
August - The Samuel Crowell - entire crew of fifteen
men lost
August - The El Dorado - entire crew of seven men
August - The Centre Point - entire crew of eleven men
August - The A. H. Wonson - entire crew of ten men
August - The Henry Clay - entire crew of ten men lost
1874 - There were 68 lives and 10 vessels lost in 1874. Of the 68 men,
18 were known to have been married, leaving 18 widows and 87 children
February - The B. H. Smith
- entire crew of twelve men lost
March - The White Fawn - entire crew of twelve men
November - The G. G. Kidder - entire crew of thirteen
men lost
1875 - There were 123 men and 16 vessels in
1875 to leave this port and never return.
January - The David Burnham - entire crew of twelve men lost
January - The Joseph Chandler - entire crew of twelve
men lost
February - The Sarah H. Cressey - entire crew of twelve
men lost
February - The J. C. Call - entire crew of twelve men
March - The H. B. Stanwood - entire crew of twelve
men lost
March - The William C. Endicott - entire crew of ten
men lost
November - The Pharsalia - entire crew of twelve men
1876 - Total losses for the year were 212 men and 27 vessels, leaving 54
widows and 112 children
April - The Henrietta
Greenleaf - ten men lost
April - The Janet Middleton - entire crew of eleven
men lost
April - The James L. Shute - entire crew of fourteen
men lost
April - The Kearsarge - entire crew of eleven men
May - The Saratoga - entire crew lost, nine, possibly
twelve men
September - The Walter M. Falt - entire crew of twelve
men lost
October - The Joseph F. Allen - entire crew of ten men
December - The John S. Tyler - entire crew of ten men
December - The Ellen Frances - entire crew of four lost.
December - The William T. Merchant - entire crew of
twelve men lost
December - The D. E. Woodbury - entire crew of ten men lost
December - The J. F. Huntress - entire crew of ten men
December - The Howard Steele - entire crew of eleven
men lost
December - The Modena S. Jerauld - entire crew of
eleven men lost
December - The Wyoming - entire crew of nine men lost
December - The Robert Emmett - entire crew of nine men
- Eight vessels lost, total loss of lives thirty-nine
January - The
Mary Burnham - entire crew of eleven men lost
1878 - Eight vessels lost, only one with crew. Total of thirty-five men
lost this year.
January - The
Carrie P. Morton - entire crew of fourteen men lost
November - The Cunard - entire crew of fourteen men
1879 - Scarcely a week has passed that we have not been called up to
chronicle some loss of property or life. Thirteen vessels went down, one hundred and
forty-three men were drowned, fifty six women were widowed and one hundred and fifty
children left defenseless in a single February gale...Year's total of twenty nine vessels
and two hundred forty nine men.
February - The
Annie Hooper - entire crew of eleven men lost
February - The Annie Linwood - entire crew of eleven
men lost
February - The George B. Loring - entire crew of ten
men lost
February - The Gwendolen - entire crew of fourteen
men lost
February - The Jacob Bacon - entire crew of twelve men
February - The John Dove - entire crew of eleven men
February - The Joshua S. Sanborn - entire crew of
eleven men lost
February - The Lottie F. Babson - entire crew of
eleven men lost
February - The Mary Carlisle - entire crew of eleven men
February - The Mary Low - entire crew of eleven men
February - The Maud and Effie - entire crew of
fourteen men lost
February - The Morning Star - entire crew of ten men
February - The Otis D. Dana - entire crew of ten men
February - The Sea Queen - entire crew of ten men
April - The Ada E. Baker - entire crew of twelve men
April - The William Thompson - entire crew of fourteen
men lost
October - The N. H. Phillips - entire crew of thirteen men
October - The Harvey C. Mackay - entire crew of ten
men lost
1880 - But one vessel lost with her crew, fourteen men, the present year
but the men lost overboard and loss of lives by capsizing and stray dories, brought the
total loss of life to forty-one. Of the forty-one men lost the present year, eleven are
known to have been married, and the number of children made fatherless by these losses, so
far as known, is eighteen.
November - The
Annie C. Norwood - entire crew of fourteen men lost
1881 - Eight vessels lost, two with crews. Total loss of life, 56
April - The
Carrie S. Dagle - entire crew of twelve men lost
July - The Guy Cunningham - entire crew of fourteen men
1882 - Twelve Vessels and One Hundred and Fifteen Lives Lost,
leaving fifty widows and 113 children..
January - The
Almon Bird - three men frozen to death
February - The Bessie W. Somes - entire crew of
fourteen men lost
February - The Bellerophon - entire crew of fourteen
men lost
February - The Charles Carroll - entire crew of eleven
men lost
February - The Edith M. Pew - entire crew of thirteen
February - The Paul Revere - entire crew of fourteen lost
March - The Northerner - entire crew of twelve men
March - The Victor - entire crew of twelve lost
June - The Massasoit - five men lost
1883 - Twenty-one vessels and two hundred and sixty two lives lost
January - The
Willie H. Joyce - entire crew of eight men lost
August - The Alaska - entire crew of twelve men lost
August - The James Bliss - entire crew of eleven lost
September - The Charles Hildreth - entire crew of ten
men lost
November - The George H. Pierson - entire crew of
twelve men lost
November - The Hattie Chester - entire crew of fourteen
men lost
November - The Helen M. Dennis - entire crew of twelve
men lost
November - The John McDonough - entire crew of sixteen
November - The Maud F. Leighton - entire crew of twelve
November - The Rutherford B. Hayes - entire crew of
eleven lost
November - The Ruth Groves - entire crew of eleven men
November - The Sultana - entire crew of fifteen lost
November - The Witchcraft - entire crew of eleven men
December - The George W. Stetson - entire crew of ten
men lost
December - The Knutsford - entire crew of fourteen
men lost
December - The Waldo Irving - entire crew of fourteen
men lost
December - The William J. Maddocks - entire crew of
fifteen men lost
1884 - Eleven vessels lost, three with crews, total of one hundred
thirty one lives lost.
February - The
Magic - entire crew of twelve men lost
February - The Phoenix - entire crew of fourteen men
March - The William S. Baker - entire crew of five
men lost
June - The Fanny Fern - four men lost
1885 - Twelve vessels lost, only 34 men lost, five widows and thirteen
fatherless children
January - The
Solomon Poole - entire crew of fourteen men lost
December - The Virginia Dare - entire crew of
fourteen men lost
1886 - Waterfront news, men lost at sea, and those found again, and
sightings of Sea Serpents
Early Summer - The Seth Stockbridge - entire crew of fourteen men lost
August - The George L. Smith - entire crew of fourteen
men lost
August - The John F. Wonson - entire crew of ten men
December - The Carthage - entire crew of twelve men
December - The Mabel Dilloway - entire crew of
seventeen men lost
1887 - Year's total of 13 vessels and eighty-five lives lost.
January - The
Charger - entire crew of four men lost
April - The Jamestown - entire crew of twelve men
September - The Thomas L. Tarr - entire crew of
fourteen men lost
November - The Peter D. Smith - entire crew of twelve
men lost
November - The William Parsons, 2nd - entire crew of
twelve men lost
1888 - Waterfront news, etc. Year's total of fourteen vessels and
sixty three lives lost.
January - The
Finance - two men lost
November - The Carleton - entire crew of twelve men
November - The Joseph O. -entire crew of twelve men
1889 - Waterfront news, fourteen vessels and seventy lives lost.
March - The
Shiloh - entire crew of fourteen men lost
1890 - Waterfront news, eighteen vessels lost, eighty-six lives lost
January - The
Isaac A. Chapman - entire crew of seven men, plus one passenger lost
January - The Alice M. Strople - entire crew of
fourteen men lost
March - The William W. Rice - entire crew of sixteen
men lost
December - The William D. Daisley - entire crew of
six men lost
1891 - Seventeen vessels lost, two with crews, 78 lives lost
January - The
Veteran - entire crew of twelve men lost
September - The Percy - entire crew of twelve men lost
1892 - An unusual feature of the record is the fact that no vessel has
been lost with all her crew, so that the loss of life has been much below the average,
1893 - Twelve vessels and seventy-two lives lost
April - The
Ernesta - six men lost
August - The Pioneer - entire crew of twelve men lost
December - The Spencer F. Baird - entire crew of
fourteen men lost
1894 - Thirty Gloucester vessels and one hundred and thirty-five lives
January - The
Robert J. Edwards - entire crew of seven men lost
January - The Flash - entire crew of six men lost
January - The Henrietta - entire crew of fourteen men
January - The Gertie E. Foster - five men lost
April - The Martha and Susan - entire crew of thirteen
men lost
June - The Ambrose H. Knight - entire crew of sixteen
men lost
1895 - One hundred twenty three men lost
January - The
Leader - four men lost
February - The Clara F. Friend - entire crew of twelve
men lost
February - The Mary S. Hontvet - entire crew of thirteen
men lost
February - The Samuel V. Colby - entire crew of eight
men lost
February - The Mildred V. Lee - entire crew of
sixteen men lost
September - The J. H. Carey - entire crew of eleven
men lost
December - The Falcon - entire crew of eleven men lost
December - The John W. Bray - entire crew of fourteen
men lost
1896 - Fourteen Vessels and Eighty-Six men lost during the year
January - The
Fortuna - nine men lost
October - The W. W. Story - entire crew of eleven men
June - The J. W. Campbell - nine men lost
1897 - Total number of vessels lost is 11, and the number of lost lives
is 86.
January - The
Lizzie J. Greenleaf - entire crew of fifteen men lost
October - The Hustler - entire crew of fourteen men
November - The Anne and Mary - entire crew of thirteen
men lost
November - The John E. McKenzie - entire crew of 18 men
November - The Susan R. Stone - entire crew of 19 men
December - The Grace L. Fears - entire crew of seven
men lost
1898 - "Seventy men while
engaged in the fisheries from our port have passed away from our midst, 63 during the
calendar year 1898 and seven in December of the preceding year, an appalling statement to
those who are less familiar with our condition than we are. We calmly say it is a small
number, much below the average. "
September - The Alice C.
Jordan - nine men lost
November - The F. R. Walker - entire crew of fifteen
men lost
1899 - Fourteen vessels and 68 lives were lost this year.
October - The Two Forty
- four men lost
November - The A. M. Burnham - entire crew of twelve
men lost
[ 1830 ] [ 1832 - 1836 ] [ 1837 ] [ 1838 ] [ 1839 ] [ 1840 ] [ 1841 ] [ 1842 ] [ 1843 ] [ 1844 ] [ 1845 ] [ 1846 ] [ 1847 ] [ 1849 ] [ 1850 ] [ 1851 ] [ 1852 ] [ 1853 ] [ 1854 ] [ 1855 ] [ 1856 ] [ 1857 ] [ 1858 ] [ 1859 ] [ 1860 ] [ 1861 ] [ 1862 ] [ 1863 ] [ 1864 ] [ 1865 ] [ 1866 ] [ 1867 ] [ 1868 ] [ 1869 ] [ 1870 ] [ 1871 ] [ 1872 ] [ 1873 ] [ 1874 ] [ 1875 ] [ 1876 ] [ 1877 ] [ 1878 ] [ 1879 ] [ 1880 ] [ 1881 ] [ 1882 ] [ 1883 ] [ 1884 ] [ 1885 ] [ 1886 ] [ 1887 ] [ 1888 ] [ 1889 ] [ 1890 ] [ 1891 ] [ 1892 ] [ 1893 ] [ 1894 ] [ 1895 ] [ 1896 ] [ 1897 ] [ 1898 ] [ 1899 ]